Robots.txt File Generator

Easily generate a robots.txt file and protect your site from unwanted bot traffic.

User Agent Allow/Disallow URL Path

How to use it

  1. Fill out user agents, allow/disallow values, and URL paths
  2. Click “Add Rule” to add additional Robots.txt rules. The “Delete” button will remove the row.
  3. Click “Generate Robots.txt” when your done.
  4. Copy or download the generated code
  5. Paste the code into your website’s robots.txt file.

Robots.txt Tips

  1. Always test your Robots.txt file before deploying it. Use a tool like the Google Search Console Robots.txt Tester to verify that the file is working as expected.
  2. Be specific with your rules. Try to use specific paths or file extensions when using the Disallow directive, instead of using a wildcard that blocks all pages.
  3. Avoid listing sensitive or confidential URLs in the Robots.txt file. Even though the Robots.txt file can help to prevent search engines from indexing pages, it is not a foolproof method of preventing access to content.
  4. Include a reference to your XML sitemap in the Robots.txt file using the Sitemap directive. This will help search engines to crawl your site more efficiently.
  5. Be careful when using wildcards. While wildcards can be useful for blocking entire sections of your site, they can also be too broad and inadvertently block important content.
  6. Keep your Robots.txt file up to date. As you make changes to your site or add new pages, be sure to update your Robots.txt file accordingly.
  7. Check for syntax errors. A single mistake in the syntax of your Robots.txt file can cause it to fail, so be sure to double-check your work for accuracy.
  8. Use comments to provide context. If you need to explain why a certain rule is in place, you can add comments to the Robots.txt file using the “#” character.
  9. Don’t rely solely on the Robots.txt file for security. While the file can help to prevent search engines from indexing sensitive content, it is not a substitute for other security measures like password protection or HTTPS.
  10. Make sure to periodically test your Robots.txt file to ensure that it is still working as expected, especially after making significant changes to your site.